Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Tweet or e-Socialize?

Why be on Twitter or any social network?

Why take the time or make the effort to "tweet" or to have a profile on any of the numerous social networking sites out here in Internet Land?

It's all part of a bigger strategy for earning revenues and business growth. The tools may have changed, but the game has not. Winning business is still largely about "who knows you" and not what you know. The marketplace is now global. (We may also see interplanetary markets in some of our lifetimes, as well).

Simply put: social networking or e-networking helps people get to know you better, and faster.

So Twitter, FaceBook, and be LinkedIn to your heart's content. Just do what works for you. thinkVAULT your way into new business and retaining what you have.

DMMI Associates LLC can help you and your staff to achieve business growth and higher revenues by identifying and helping you to use the right tools for your company.

E-mail us for help getting started.
DMMI can help you through the maze of decisions about growing your business and help you to define your next steps to success.

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