Thursday, July 23, 2009

Excellence in All Things

Why be excellent?

Excellence contrasted against "good enough" is like the difference between the name brand stuff and generic goods. And who really wants to be labeled as "generic" when it comes to business?

Here's an illustration:
Picture two roommates who share groceries. One is very particular and detail oriented. The other thinks that all food is a commodity. Roommate 1 usually does the shopping. One weekend, however, Roommate 2 has a streak of industriousness and goes to the grocers. R2 replenishes several items, but buys the cheapest products in the store.

R1 starts to prepare the evening meal. "Hey, what's this?! Where's my barbeque sauce?"
"It's right there on the shelf," replies R2.
"No. We had Excellent Tasty Yummy brand. This is NVGIHI (not very good and I hate it) brand," says R1, now getting a little annoyed.
"Well, it's still barbeque sauce," R1 retorts, with a puzzled look.
"Hmmph." R1 grabs car keys and heads toward the door... and better sauce.

Is R2 correct? You can offer up just any old thing, as long as it's nearly what is expected? Or, is R1 just being overly picky?

Well, discounting the fact that R1 probably should have made the expectations more clear, R2 has come up short of excellence. There is a clear difference between what was expected and what was delivered.

Always strive to delight your clients, customers, coworkers, bosses, subordinates, roommates, spouses... Okay, you get it. Excellence as a formed habit will always position you at the head of the line, where you want to be.

An excellent approach, coupled with the right tools, yields success.

DMMI Associates LLC can help you and your staff to achieve excellence through using world class methods and world class tools. Among them is our Online Business Solution, brought to you through our partnership with IMG. Click here for details. If you are looking for ways to coordinate your web business efforts, look no further!

E-mail us for help getting started.
DMMI can help you through the maze of decisions about growing your business and help you to define your next steps to success.

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