Monday, June 29, 2009

Business' Evolution: Employee, Contractor, Owner

Can You Be or Should You Be a Business Owner?

More and more often, I hear about businesses using non-permanent staff to handle tasks. In years past, this would range from the traditional "temps" to SWAT-team like consultants, called in to handle a special project or crisis. We seem to be evolving into a path lately, however, that may change the definition of "business owner" forever. Within a few short years, we could become a nation of independent contractors and small business service providers.

Consider how many people you know that have recently been downsized -- some for the third or fourth time. To find that next assignment (or job), they must package and market themselves, just like a micro-business. "Look, Prospective Employer: I have EFG Skills, x years of experience, and a highly evolved sense of adaptability. Hire me!" Some of these people, especially those with transferable, white-collar skills, could shape themselves into a professional services business. The question is: should they?

Ask any small business owner whether the path they've chosen is easy or hard. Most will tell you that it is, in fact, a hard path on most days. So, why do we do it? Because of a common characteristic: Entrepreneurial Spirit - E.S. There is a special spark that makes business owners get up in the morning and keep going. You either have it or you don't.

If you have it -- Great! Go for it. Reinvent yourself, find your market and go after it.
NOTE: If you build it, they won't come. You must go find them.

On the other hand, if you don't have the E.S., then you need a different plan. You can be self employed and "work for yourself" 5, 6, or 7 days a week. But will business ownership suit you? You will need to love wearing all of the "management hats" or go find other talented people to wear them. The talented people must then be PAID for what they know and do.

Clients and customers are your lifeblood, but they can be contentious. Are you prepared for the ones that will try your patience? To explore, or to help someone you know and love to explore, the world of business ownership, I recommend these resources:

Or, simply ask us. DMMI Associates LLC can provide an evaluation for you that will help you to gauge market and revenue potential.

E-mail us to get started.
Your session will be interactive and can be in person, or over the internet -- depending upon where you are geographically, among other factors.
We can help you through the maze of decisions that will define your next steps to success.

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